– Andrew Hines, School of Computer Science, University College Dublin
– Steven Schmidt, TU Berlin
– Sana Alamgeer, University of Brasilia, Brazil.
QoMEX 2021 will select winners to receive the Best Conference Paper Award and the Best Student Paper Award. Both awards aim to honor exceptional technical contributions and promote high-quality research within the technical scope of the conference. The final awards decisions will be taken after the presentation of these papers.
The QoMEX’21 Organizational Committee is proud to announce the following four award candidates:
- Study on user quitting in the Puffer live TV video streaming service (Pierre Lebreton and Kazuhisa Yamagishi)
- QoE Assessment of FPV Drone Control in a Cloud Gaming Based Simulation (Matko Šilić, Mirko Suznjevic and Lea Skorin-Kapov)
- A Multi-View Stereoscopic Video Database With Green Screen (MTF) For Video Transition Quality-of-Experience Assessment (Nour Hobloss, Lu Zhang and Marco Cagnazzo)
- Towards High Resolution Video Quality Assessment in the Crowd (Rakesh Rao Ramachandra Rao, Steve Göring and Alexander Raake)
The Awards Selection Guidelines are:
Exclusions: The papers from the General Co-chairs, Technical Program Chairs, and Awards Chairs are excluded for the consideration.
Initial Score based Selection: The three (3) accepted papers and three (3) accepted student papers receiving the highest reviewer scores and recognition in the review process will be chosen as the Award(s) candidates.
Award Selection Committee: It is formed by the 2 General Co-chairs, the 4 Technical Program Chairs, and the Award Chairs. All review scores and comments will be made available to the committee.
Candidates Presentation: The relevant authors will be informed before the conference and the candidates will be announced on the homepage.
Award Selection Committee Work: The Award Selection Committee members will have to score all the candidate papers. The Award Selection Committee members should sit in the presentations and give a rank for each paper.
Award Criteria: The Award Selection Committee should consider the technical quality, the technical novelty, the potential impact, the editorial quality, the oral presentation quality and the capability to answer questions.
Winners Definition: After consolidation of the votes by the Awards Chairs, the paper receiving the highest overall vote by the Award Selection Committee will be awarded as the Best Paper Award (even if the first author is a student); the paper with the second highest vote and with a student as the first author will be awarded the Best Student Paper Award.
Issues: If there are any issues arising before the final decision can be reached, the Awards Selection Committee will meet during the conference to resolve.
The awards ceremony will be held at the closing ceremony of the conference.
Important Dates
** fixed deadlines, no extensions **