Special session 3


Quality and User Experience in Extended Reality


Tanja Kojiฤ‡, Georg Regal, Jan-Niklas Voigt-Antons, and Franca Garzotto

Motivation and objectives

The fast development of Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) solutions over the last few years are transforming the ways in which people interact, work and communicate. Extended Reality (XR) is combining both, real and virtual environments with humans and systems all over the virtuality-reality continuum including all technologies together into one united solution. As the XR industry is growing, that has as well increased the research about it. Therefore, this special session plans to focus on state-of-art research about Quality and User Experience in XR including all different fields from use cases such as gaming and entertainment over serious gaming in learning, sports, health, therapy and psychology; different types of interactivity, from 360ยฐ videos to multimodal interactive XR systems; different immersive analytics, design and visualization; and different methods and assessment of user experience (UX) and quality of experience (QoE).

ยฉ QoMEX 2021